Weight Loss: Exercise and Diet

Weight loss is something that does not just happen because you signed up and semi-stick to a diet plan that you saw on t.v.. To effectively and healthily lose weight, it takes a combination of both diet and exercise, as well as dedication and hard work.

To begin, you will want to re-evaluate your current diet. You will want to drop most of the fatty foods you are eating and go for the healthy ones. For meats, you will want to stick to the less fatty ones such as chicken, but all types are a good source of protein. You may also want to eat some nuts or peanut butter for protein.

In addition to protein you need fruits and vegetables. As long as you eat them the right way which is by steaming them, there is a lot to gain from having them in your diet. In fact, with all the vitamins and nutrients in each of them they are very important to your diet. But there are some that are much better at helping you lose weight. Some of them include fruits, such as, plums, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries (have tons of antioxidants), watermelon, pears, plums and cantaloupe. There are more, but these are the more popular, and all of these taste great, so you are bound to find something you like.

As for vegetables, dark green vegetables, carrots, lettuce, spinach, artichokes, cucumbers and tomatoes all help you burn fat fastest. Another great part of adding fruits and vegetables to your diet is that many of these fruits and vegetables are negative calorie foods. Negative calorie foods are just foods that take your body more calories to burn than gained by eating them, it is only good to have up to 10 of these foods a day.

Finally, you MUST include some type of exercise to go along with your diet. Whether it be walking, running, swimming, or even some type of sport, you have to do something daily to keep your heart rate up and keep you losing weight healthily. I recommend going to see a nutritionist and a personal trainer to get an idea of the things that you can be doing for exercise.

Tags: food tips, fruit, nutritionist and a personal trainer, veggies

This entry was posted on Monday, March 30th, 2009 at 08:18 and is filed under Weight Loss Exercise. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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Fasting for Weight Loss

People will try anything to lose weight quickly and easily. The truth of the matter is that it just isn’t that easy and if it is, its not healthy for you.

The idea of fasting has been around for thousands of years, but is it really an effective way to lose weight. Most places that you do research you will find that it is recommended to not skip meals or to not eat less as a way of losing weight. Fasting, however, has been considered by both sides of the argument as not really a starvation diet, but a needed shock to your body. The main question here is is it effective for weight loss? And is it effective a long term solution?

The answer is both yes and no. Yes, it will cause you to lose weight because anyone who does not eat for a period of time will lose weight no matter what their body type is. A person would normally burn 2,000 calories a day without exercise, just by doing their normal day to day activities. When a person goes on a fast there are no calories taken in your system, but you still burn the ones stored in your body. This however makes your body go into a “survival mode” where your metabolism slows down to maximize the stored fat in your body in order to survive.

Anytime your metabolic rates slow down, it is not a good thing. This will cause you to make less energy for your body and also retain more and more calories. On the other hand though, it has also been said that fasting is a good way for our bodies to be able to clean themselves out, removing harmful toxins from the body. However, this is only short term. Fasting for long periods of time can lead to serious medical complications.

Tags: fasting, less energy, starvation, term solution, Weight Loss

This entry was posted on Monday, March 30th, 2009 at 07:55 and is filed under Fasting for Weight Loss. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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Your Health: Before and After Weight Loss

Being overweight or obese has many negative effects on the body. Your health is a major concern with people who have excess body fat, and should not be taken lightly. If something is not done, extra weight can lead to permanent damage to your internal organs, or even death.

Some of the most common effects of excess weight on the body are high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney problems, diabetes and much more. Fat has also been known as a storing place for carcinogens, which are a chemical that causes cancer. These are all very serious conditions, and if you do not take care of your body they can easily become a reality for anyone with extra weight.

Once you have decided its time to make a move and change some things in your life concerning your weight, it is important to choose a weight loss program that works for you. You should combine a healthy diet with a daily exercise routine to lose weight quickly and effectively. Stay away from diets that extremely change what you eat or tell you to eat a very small amount of food each day. Remember, it is good that you are losing weight, but if you lose weight too quickly, that can also have a negative effect on the body as well. Your body must adapt to the changes that you are making, so it should take time.

As the weight comes off, you will start to feel better not only physically, but mentally as well. you will feel healthy and proud of the changes you have made.

Tags: cancer, chemical, diabetes, food, health, heart disease, high blood pressure, Weight Loss

This entry was posted on Monday, March 30th, 2009 at 07:49 and is filed under Weight Loss Before After. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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Banana Fruits

Bananas are the fruit of a plant of the genus Musa (family Musaceae) , which are cultivated primarily for food, and secondarily for the production of fibers that are used, for example, in the textile industry. they are also cultivated for ornamental purposes.
The history of bananas is pretty exciting, since they are the result of a genetic mutation that evolved into a staple food of our society. In fact, bananas are probably the most widespread fruit crop in the whole world. For example, you will learn that the most widespread species - the "Cavendish" banana - was named after the Duke of Devonshire's family! Today they are known for their sweet taste, good nutritional properties (see bananas nutrition facts) with their high content in potassium and fibers (and vitamins such as B6, C and A ), and best of all their ease of use: just peel and eat!
It is important to note that the real banana tree is actually a fruit that must be cooked before eating, has a green, red or brown color and has seeds: it is today the staple food of many african populations and is different from the bananas we are used to eat. The original banana is a cultivar used as a food (cooked or ground to make banana flour) and a a source of fibre. Banana leaves are also used to transport food or as umbrellas (since they are large and waterproof)
The yellow bananas we eat today are a cross between the green and the red banana tree (species Musa acuminata or the hybrid Musa x paradisiaca), and this cross is sterile (hence the lack of seeds in the banana).
There have been numerous studies showing the health benefits of bananas, and this has proven this fruit to be very convenient, both for its ease of consumption (especially in a fast-paced work environment) and for its nutritional properties